How Arbitrage Mutual Funds Work: A simple introduction

Arbitrage mutual funds suddenly came into the spotlight after the recommendations of Budget 2014, which adversely affected investors in debt mutual funds. They would now have to wait 3 years to apply indexation benefits to their capital gains from debt funds. For durations below or equal to three years, gains will be added to income…

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The Omega Ratio as a Mutual Fund Performance Measure

The Omega ratio is an interesting performance evaluation metric that can be used for evaluating a mutual fund with its benchmark and also compare funds. In this post, I present a simple, non-technical description of the omega ratio along with some examples. The Omega ratio has been part of the mutual Fund risk vs return analyzer since…

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Mutual Fund Screener Version 7.0

Use this tool to automatically screen mutual funds based on returns and create a shortlist of consistent performers. The updated version corrects a bug and now includes Benchmark 1 to 12 year CAGRs. The tool grabs annual returns data from value research for different categories and calculates 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1 year returns (CAGR corresponding to lump…

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