Features of the freefincal mutual fund and financial goal tracker

A little over two years ago, an automated mutual fund & financial goal tracker was released. It was made with extensive beta testing by readers and is reasonably popular despite the availability of user-friendly online trackers. Update: This file does not work anymore since the historical NAV download from AMFI has been discontinued. I am working on a…

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Latest Sukanya Samriddhi Account Rules

The withdrawal rules of the Sukanya Samriddhi Account has been modified with effect from March 18th  2016. Thanks to Muthu Krishnan for alerting me about it. They are discussed in this post in case you missed them like I did. Old withdrawal rule: (Source: Gazette of India 2nd December 2014) To meet the financial requirements of the account holder…

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Mutual Fund SIP and Lump Sum Rolling Returns Calculators

This is a triple update announcement – to two rolling returns calculators and to the Google spreadsheet for tracking financial independence. First two updates: The mutual fund lump sum and SIP rolling returns calculators have been updated with additional benchmarks. Rolling returns calculators provide a simple, easy to understand visual representation of how consistently a…

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The real reason we need money after retirement!

Anyone who has used a retirement calculator would tell you the primary input is current expenses that are likely to persist in retirement. I have always maintained that one should not assume expenses will decrease after retirement! Therefore, I will only exclude cash outgo like EMI and expenses related to children from current expenses. This is all that one can do…

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NPS: Partial Withdrawal Rules

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has announced guidelines regarding partial withdrawal from the National Pension System (NPS). (1) A subscriber whose NPS account is at least 10 years old will be eligible for withdrawing 25% of  his/her contributions alone. Employer contributions (if any) cannot be withdrawn. Notice the similarity with the recently…

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Long Term Goal-Based Investing

Here is a step-by-step to guide, plus calculator, to begin and track long-term goal based investing.  Most goal planning calculators tell you how much you should invest.  This sheets asks you, how much you can invest and goes about calculating the portfolio return. With that you can calculate the asset allocation required (equity to fixed income ratio)….

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