Features of the freefincal mutual fund and financial goal tracker

A little over two years ago, an automated mutual fund & financial goal tracker was released. It was made with extensive beta testing by readers and is reasonably popular despite the availability of user-friendly online trackers. Update: This file does not work anymore since the historical NAV download from AMFI has been discontinued. I am working on a…

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Mutual Fund SIP and Lump Sum Rolling Returns Calculators

This is a triple update announcement – to two rolling returns calculators and to the Google spreadsheet for tracking financial independence. First two updates: The mutual fund lump sum and SIP rolling returns calculators have been updated with additional benchmarks. Rolling returns calculators provide a simple, easy to understand visual representation of how consistently a…

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Mutual Fund Downside Protection Calculator

Use this sheet to calculate the downside protection offered by a mutual fund for different investment durations (last 1-9 years). It also includes an ulcer index calculator. The present version has been updated with multiple indices from the Mutual Fund SIP XIRR Tracker This tool has been specifically designed to aid investors who would like to…

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Analysis: Index PE based Mutual Fund SIP Investing

Here is an analysis of a mutual fund SIP investment in which purchases are systematically ‘timed’ using an index PE. I made this analysis following the suggestion of ET Wealth analyst/columnist Dr. Narendra Nathan (@drnarendranET) after (or amidst!) some fierce discussion over the usefulness of the SIP. The SIP is a useful way to invest…

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How Mutual Fund Upside and Downside Capture Ratios are calculated

Upside and Downside capture ratios are easy-to-understand mutual fund performance measures. Consistent downside capture ratios can be combined with consistent returns (try the mutual fund screener) to select and review mutual funds. Regular reader may be aware that I am a fan of the downside capture ratio. In this post, I present a video that describes how these…

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Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana vs PPF: An Illustration

Here is an illustration of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana vs. PPF when used for a girl child’s education goal. It also serves to understand why liquidity is more important than higher interest rates. Update:  Current Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana rate is 8.3% and current PPF rate is 7.8% (the same 0.5% difference as assumed in the article).  This does…

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MFU Online: How to buy and sell direct mutual funds using MF Utility Portal

MF Utility is a free “Transaction Aggregating Portal” run about 25 AMCs jointly. It allows users to invest in direct mutual fund plans. Here is a step-by-step user guide prepared by Anish Mohan to buy and sell direct mutual funds using the MF Utility portal. If you are thinking about getting an MF Utility account,…

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