Building a Diversified Equity Portfolio with Sector Mutual Funds

It is possible to build a beautifully diversified equity portfolio with only sector mutual funds. The data first published with this idea in April 2014 has now been updated. Note: what is presented below is an investment idea presented with academic curiosity and not a recommendation to abandon your existing diversified mutual funds. Investing for long-term…

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Are Debt Mutual Funds an Alternative to Fixed Deposits?

Debt mutual funds are advertised as tax-efficient alternatives to fixed deposits. There is more to investing than  tax-efficiency. Investors must be aware of the associated volatility and how it can impact returns depending on the duration. Post-tax debt fund returns may or may not be higher than post-tax fixed deposit returns. The answer to the…

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Mutual Fund Rolling Returns Analysis with Nifty Strategy Indices

Rolling returns calculators provide a simple, easy to understand visual representation of how consistently a mutual fund has outperformed its benchmark. The freefincal mutual fund lump sum and SIP rolling returns calculators now include six nifty strategy  indices (smart beta) for analysing mutual fund performance. As seen in a recent series of posts, Nifty strategic indices…

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How Arbitrage Mutual Funds Work: A simple introduction

Arbitrage mutual funds suddenly came into the spotlight after the recommendations of Budget 2014, which adversely affected investors in debt mutual funds. They would now have to wait 3 years to apply indexation benefits to their capital gains from debt funds. For durations below or equal to three years, gains will be added to income…

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The Omega Ratio as a Mutual Fund Performance Measure

The Omega ratio is an interesting performance evaluation metric that can be used for evaluating a mutual fund with its benchmark and also compare funds. In this post, I present a simple, non-technical description of the omega ratio along with some examples. The Omega ratio has been part of the mutual Fund risk vs return analyzer since…

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