Mutual Fund Screener Version 7.0

Use this tool to automatically screen mutual funds based on returns and create a shortlist of consistent performers. The updated version corrects a bug and now includes Benchmark 1 to 12 year CAGRs. The tool grabs annual returns data from value research for different categories and calculates 12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1 year returns (CAGR corresponding to lump…

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Mutual Fund Analysis with the Information Ratio

Understanding the notion of a risk-adjusted return requires some maturity to think beyond mere returns. While comparing funds, a fund that offers a lower return with lower risk is better than one with higher return with higher risk. There are many risk-adjusted measures and one of them is the information ratio.  The information ratio is a measure…

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How and When to use Mutual Fund Monthly Income Plans

Question: When can you use an investment portfolio that cannot exceed an equity allocation of about 25%? Value Research classifies them as Hybrid: Debt-oriented Conservative. There are about 43 funds in this category and more than half of them contain the phrase “monthly income plans” (MIP) in their names. Some are called regular savings funds (not to…

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How to build a diversified mutual fund portfolio

Diversification refers to the simple common sense, ‘not to rely too much on one entity’. In this post, I discuss simple ways to build a diversified portfolio using mutual funds. The main purpose of diversification is to minimise losses, or rather the volatility in the portfolio value. This implies reducing exposure to an asset class…

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